A thoroughly enjoyable and thought provoking read that, although a work of fiction, offers an extremely plausible plot. Kasten brilliantly weaves political intrigue, government conspiracy, and mass modern psychological mind control into an exciting tale of mystery and entertainment. Having myself worked in one of the most powerful government intelligence agencies in Washington D.C., I can tell you the level of treachery that unfolds in this novel is not only possible but likely already occurring in various forms. The characters are extremely realistic, many unknowingly contributing to the scheme, just as in real life. But even those who are “in the know” aren’t necessarily evil individuals, but rather once decent people who were, more or less, sullied by a corrupt system – again, a regular occurrence within the belly of our government. Much more than a literary romp, this book will definitely make you put your thinking cap on while the suspense and Kasten’s excellent writing will keep you turning the page.

            Amanda Matti, author of A Foreign Affair.

Behind the Tech Curtain is a startling thriller. Linda Kasten’s dark portrayal of the strings behind the educational system is frightening and disturbing. My blood ran cold reading it. As a public school teacher of over twenty years, I can tell you this work is based on enough truths to give anyone pause. The characters are well-developed and multi-dimensional; each with human frailties that evoke emotional attachments by the reader. Plunging into the dark underbellies of the educational and political world (that often leave us in real life wondering what the end game is), Kasten has hit upon a winner and given us much to think about.

    •    Caroline Giammanco, author of Bank Notes: The True Story of the Boonie Hat Bandit

Full of espionage, intrigue and fast paced action, Linda Kasten’s Behind the Tech Curtain is hard to put down. It grabs the reader with the first paragraph and doesn’t let go until the end. By turns I held my breath, wept and applauded.

        --Rochelle Wisoff-Fields,  author of Please Say Kaddish for Me, From Silt and Ashes, and As One Must, One Can